Saturday, February 8, 2014

I Will Rise

Isn't amazing when you listen to a song and you can think of specific memories or things that you have learned, then come back to that song at another time and find that new memories come to mind? Have you ever truly listened to a song that moved you to tears? Or, if not tears, to some sort of intense, emotional feeling?

Whenever I listen to I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin, I think about many amazing teachings of the Bible. The theme of this song is that when Christ calls us on the last day, we will know peace. In fact, when he calls us, here on earth, we feel that peace through the knowledge that he has overcome the grave for us.

Think of the countless people of the Bible that God called. The things they had to overcome seemed impossible, yet with God, those things were overcome. When I listen to this song, many people stick out, like the calling of the disciples; when God blessed Abram; Noah, having to build a huge ark and save mankind and ground animals from a flood that would cover the earth; the calling of Moses and the events that lead up to his death. This list is a fraction of all the people that were impacted because of God's calling. As I listen to this song today, I can't help but return my focus on a man who labored hard for the Lord. He stood up to many when few believed, and had a very special relationship with God.

1 Kings 19:9b-13 "And the word of the Lord came to him: 'What are you doing here, Elijah?' He replied, 'I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.' The Lord said, 'Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.' Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave."

God specifically called the prophet Elijah during a time when being a follower of the true God was punishable by death. Elijah stood up to powerful people and proved that the God of Abraham and Isaac was the one true God and, even though everyone saw it, they still did not believe. In fact, they tried to kill Elijah. He was chased out. He felt as though he was the only one left that believed. He was ready to give up. The Lord wanted to prove to Elijah who was in control.

When we think of the Almighty God, we think of the awesome power that he has. He even shows Elijah this power. He created a powerful wind that tore mountains apart, then he created an earthquake, and lastly he created a fire. All of these things would definitely show us he is in control and would expect him to always be this kind of God. The remarkable thing is that he did not show himself in these things. He came to Elijah in a gentle whisper.

Whenever I read this section, I can't help but feel comforted. It's like when you were a kid and you felt devastated about something and when you wanted someone to understand, you weren't expecting them to show power, but you were expecting compassion, understanding, and a heartfelt sincerity towards you. Elijah was in need of the same thing and the Lord gave it to him. In this gentle whisper he gave Elijah specific instructions about what would happen so that the number of believers would be established. The Lord goes on to say that even though Elijah felt that he was the only believer left, God still had 7,000 who had not turned away.

This gentle whisper that gave good news, inspired Elijah. Elijah got up from where he felt like giving up and went to finish what he started. The Lord continued to work through him until he took him up in a chariot of fire with horses of fire.Could you even imagine as Elijah was going to heaven, how he must have felt relieved that he would no longer have to live in a sinful world. Then, as he approached to gates of heaven, being able to see God as he welcomed Elijah; all the while, hearing the angels singing in the background. The immense feeling of joy must have been overwhelming.

The examples of amazing believers that the Bible records should be enough for us to be encouraged to live a life of faithful servitude. Yet, some people would rather see examples of Christians in today's society being great servants for the Lord. Somehow people think that the Bible is outdated and current examples are needed. I encourage you to look at any missionary that is in a hostile country. One that persecutes Christians to the point of death, all because God's Word is forbidden. In the United States, we have the wonderful privilege of free speech. Sure, we get persecuted, but mainly with name calling or other harsh words. This shouldn't keep you from spreading God's word! There are believers out there that continue to try to get God's word into communities where death is knocking at their door for the acts of Christianity that they do. How can we be scared when our lives aren't in danger?! If we stop thinking, "What about my feelings?" and start focusing on "I can take this fleeting and momentary hurt so that the message gets to their hearts and they can spend an eternity of happiness with me in Heaven." then we could reach more people that need to know the feeling of fulfillment that the Lord gives to us.

Elijah realized that he was such a small, yet important part, in the spreading of the gospel. God had many other people he would also use, yet God chose Elijah to do his work. God has chosen you. You are a part of a long list of amazing believers. Don't worry about pain. Jesus took that on himself so you wouldn't have to endure an eternity of it. Don't worry about sorrow. Jesus took that away on the cross as well. So rise, because he has called your name. When you have finished his work and God calls you home. He'll look at you and say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!"

I cannot wait for that day. I cannot wait to no longer feel the pains of sin. I cannot wait to leave it all behind and praise God in Heaven, with all those people to whom I spread the Gospel message. Because if they didn't hear it from me, would they have ever heard it? Would they be living an eternal life praising God or an eternal life of pain and sorrow, wishing they would've believed? I get very sad and concerned about those that I know, that are close to me, yet they don't believe. I pray for them continually because I would love to see them in heaven with me.

Remember, Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed. The victory is won, He is risen from the dead. And I will rise when he calls my name. No more sorrow, no more pain.

Listen to that gentle whisper while you can. Rise!

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